urban fantasy crime series
The Hipposync Archives
What is Hipposync? On the banks of the canal in Jericho, Oxford, England, sits a very ordinary-looking commercial property with a sign that says Hipposync Enterprises, Dealers in Rare Books & Manuscripts. Many people have read that sign and moved on, pausing only to wonder if such a shabby concern is still in business. But behind that careworn facade lies something else altogether. Something strange and arcane and vital to the security of the country and…yes, very probably the world — the one without wonderworking and wyrd wayfarers— as we know it. But you, lucky reader, get the chance to step inside and see for yourself exactly what goes on when crimes in both worlds overlap. Because these are crime novels, too. What else would they be?
Anyway, tea and biscuits anyone? Oh and bring a handkerchief because you may be crying–with laughter.
Every Little Evil
Bloody symbols in a locked room. A missing victim. Lots of clues but no explanation. Good thing there is someone the police can turn to…
The Ghoul On The Hill
They say a picture is worth a thousand words…just remember to take off the lenscap.